Cybershah Software Solutions

+91 96406 95999

Malware Analysis

The Malware Analysis Fundamentals course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, techniques, and tools used in the analysis of malicious software (malware).


( 100+ students )

Course Overview:

The Malware Analysis Fundamentals course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, techniques, and tools used in the analysis of malicious software (malware). Through a combination of theory and hands-on practical exercises, participants will learn how to dissect, analyze, and understand various types of malware, enabling them to effectively respond to cyber threats and enhance their skills in the field of cybersecurity.

Course Objectives:

Upon completing this course, participants will:

  • Understand Malware Fundamentals: Gain insight into the different categories of malware, their characteristics, and the underlying techniques used by cybercriminals.
  • Develop Malware Analysis Techniques: Learn techniques to reverse-engineer malware, including static analysis (disassembling, decompiling, and examining code) and dynamic analysis (running malware in controlled environments).
  • Identify Malicious Behavior: Acquire the skills to recognize and analyze the behavior of malware, including file manipulation, network communication, and payload delivery.
  • Apply Reverse Engineering Concepts: Master the basics of reverse engineering to decode malware and understand its inner workings.
  • Utilize Malware Analysis Tools: Gain hands-on experience with a variety of tools commonly used in malware analysis, such as debuggers, disassemblers, sandboxes, and more.
  • Develop Incident Response Skills: Learn how to effectively respond to malware incidents, contain threats, and mitigate future risks.


Participants should have a foundational understanding of cybersecurity concepts and basic programming knowledge. Specifically:

  • Basic Cybersecurity Knowledge: Familiarity with concepts such as malware, viruses, trojans, and the general threat landscape.
  • Networking Fundamentals: Understanding of basic networking concepts, protocols, and network traffic flow.
  • Operating System Basics: Proficiency in navigating and using common operating systems like Windows, Linux, or macOS.
  • Programming Concepts: Basic understanding of programming concepts and languages (e.g., Python, C/C++) to facilitate comprehension of code-level analysis.
  • Security Fundamentals: Awareness of cybersecurity principles, terminology, and common attack vectors will provide a solid foundation for diving into malware analysis.

Target Audience:

This course is ideal for professionals and enthusiasts in the field of cybersecurity, including but not limited to:

  • Cybersecurity analysts
  • Incident responders
  • Threat intelligence analysts
  • Network administrators
  • Penetration testers
  • IT professionals interested in enhancing their cybersecurity knowledge
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